Easy Teacher Appreciation Gifts

Teacher appreciation gifts

Easy Teacher Appreciation Gifts

Teacher appreciation week is May 6 - 10.  These are some really easy and inexpensive little gifts you can make and give to a teacher to let them know how much you appreciate everything they do.  I made these appreciation gifts for the teachers that I work with.  It's always nice to get little goodies in your mailbox!

Embellished Post-It notes
Easy Teacher Appreciation Gifts

To make these embellished Post Its, just cut some scrapbook paper long enough to fit over the front and back of a stack of Post It notes.  Peel the back off of the last Post It in the stack and stick it to the scrapbook paper.  Then fold the scrapbook paper over the stack.  I added coordinating letters for monograms to personalize each one.

Candy Bag Topper
Easy Teacher Appreciation Gifts

This printable bag topper is free on Teachers Pay Teachers!
Just fill a bag with candy, print out the tag, and staple it together!

"Extra" Special Teacher Gift
Easy Teacher Appreciation Gifts

Put a pack of Extra gum in a baggie, tie with a ribbon, 

Easy Teacher Appreciation Gifts

I saw this ecard on Pinterest and it made me smile.
I printed a few and attached each one to a bottle of hand sanitizer. 


  1. These are great ideas that I have not seen before! Thanks so much for sharing:)

  2. These are great ideas for the end of school! Thanks for linking up at What'd You Do This Weekend? Hope to see you next week.


  3. how super cute love your ideas
    come see what we shared at http://shopannies.blogspot.com

  4. I'd love it if you link this up to my linky party. It will go on 2 blogs. http://diycraftyprojects.com/2013/04/whatcha-work-up-wednesday-30.html

  5. Great ideas for teacher gifts!

  6. Love teacher appreciation! Perhaps that is because I am a teacher! Thank you for sharing! Iā€™d love to have you visit me at Get Your Crap Together! We have a Pattern Party from the 1st of the month to the 10th and would love you to check it out. See you soon!

    1. Hope you get some goodies in your mailbox next week!

  7. Such a great collection of ideas! I love the post it note covers... I may be making some of those for my sisters for mother's day too!

    Holly at Not Done Growing

  8. Sweet gifts and so simple! Thanks!

  9. Cute ideas! I like the hanitizer!

  10. Those are fun! I love celebrating teachers, and showing them a little extra love.

  11. Pinned and share don FB! Monica
    Join us for Family Fun Friday. Share your posts with 100+ bloggers and 400+ readers.

  12. So cute, and so easy...as a former teacher, I know any of these little gifts would brighten my day! Thanks for sharing! I featured this on my blog today here: http://www.unoriginalmom.com/original-fridays-6-teacher-appreciation-ideas/

  13. Found you over at Tutus & Tea Parties - super cute ideas! Pinning now! These things totally stress me out so thank you for making it cute and simple for people like me, lol! Hope you're having a great weekend!

    Jen @ YummyHealthyEasy.com

  14. Hi! Great great ideas! Thanks for sharing on our Brag About It party. Hope to see you again next week.. All the Best ~ Sharon and Denise @BeBetsy

  15. I have to tell you I was going to write about not making gifts for teachers as we get so many things. But your ideas are really original and inexpensive, not to mention useful.

    I would still like to suggest that if parents are looking for great gifts for teachers, they might think of getting a gift certificate to the favourite bookstore (ebooks are good too). So many new teachers (especially primary school teachers)have to buy their own resources like fun children's books, posters, etc, right down to glue sticks and colourful pencils. The schools do not often provide funds for such things so the poor new teachers (the ones that make the lower salaries too) are burdened with the cost of educational resources in the years when they have so many other bills to pay like student loans.

    Thanks for your consideration and sorry to hijack your blog for a moment.

    1. Yes, I agree! A gift certificate is always a good option!

  16. These ideas are really cute! You are the Dare to Share Feature of the Day. http://www.pamspartyandpracticaltips.com/2013/05/teacher-appreciation-gifts-feature-of.html

  17. I feel that teachers work very hard for thier pay. So nice to show how much they are appreciated. Thanks for sharing these fun ideas with SYC.

  18. Fantastic idea! Having a daughter who's nearly finished with her first year teaching, I know she'd love these gifts! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  19. Hanitizer... haha!! Thanks so much for linking this up to Show & Share Wednesday! I'll be featuring this at tomorrow's party. See you there! -Kelly @ Mostly Homemade Mom

  20. What sweet gifts! Thank you for linking up at SHOW-licious Craft Showcase!



  21. Featuring this fun post to celebrate teachers on Friday! Thanks for linking up at Family Fun Friday.

  22. Very clever ideas for teacher gifts! Thanks!

  23. Great ideas! Thanks for the inspiration! Hand sanitizer, so necessary in the classroom. Take care, Linda

  24. These are super awesome ideas! Love how simple they are. :-) I'm pinning this and sharing it on my Facebook page this weekend! Thanks so much for linking it up to my party!

  25. Thanks for linking up & sharing! Hope to see you again soon!

  26. Great gift ideas! I know a lot of teachers who would love those! :) Thanks for linking this up to my Back-To-School link-up on Natural and Free!


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