How To Keep Strawberries Fresh

How to keep strawberries fresh
How To Keep Strawberries Fresh
In an earlier post, I wrote about how much I love strawberries.  On Pinterest, I found a way to keep them fresh longer.

One of my favorite comedians is Eddy Izzard and in one of his skits, he talks about going to the grocery store and buying all the "lovely fruit" (he's British) bringing it home, setting it in a bowl on the counter . . . and watching it rot!

That happens at my house especially with strawberries.  You really have to eat them right away or they go bad.  This works for all fruit, not just strawberries.  It cleans the fruit before you eat it, which is always a good idea, and it also keeps the fruit fresh longer!

First, fill up the sink with just enough cold water to cover the fruit and add half a cup of white vinegar.  Put the fruit in a colander so it's easy to get every thing out all at once.  Soak the fruit for five minutes and then remove.

You don't taste the vinegar, but after you do this, the fruit is clean and safe to eat and will stay fresh!

trawberry pie

chocolate covered strawberry roses


  1. I learned this about a year ago and I do it every time. Works great!

  2. I keep hearing about this and have yet to try it. How long do the strawberries last after being washed like this?

    For me, my strawberries (without being washed with vinegar) go bad at like day 3-4. If I am lucky!! lol.

    1. I don't like to put strawberries in the refrigerator because they shrivel up. If I leave them out, they get too ripe or moldy in about two days. Washing them in vinegar adds about an extra two days before they go bad.

  3. Really! I just visited my favorite Strawberry farm site to see when they open! They do have to be eaten pretty quickly! I'll give this a try when they open! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  4. We usually eat our fruit very quickly, but I will keep this in mind!!

  5. You sound just like us. I will definitely give this a try. Thanks!


  6. Thank you. I LOVE strawberries but have a hard time buying them because of how fast they mold. I saw this on pinterest once but have yet to try it. thanks for reminding me!

  7. What a great tip! It makes complete sense but I never would have thought of it! Thanks!

  8. How neat! I've never tried this, but I will have to give it a go this summer when I pick some fruit. I love your photo by the way :)

    Visiting from Clever Chicks Blog Hop :)

  9. Brillant! I've almost given up on buying fresh strawberries because they go bad so quickly.

  10. Thanks for the tip. We are anxiously watching the weather around the South. If temps drop to low the next couple of days, our favorite strawberry farms will lose the spring crop.

  11. I will have to give this a try! My daughter loves strawberries but some almost always go to waste.

  12. We are a BIG fan of strawberries around these parts...I'll have to give this a try!


    Stopping over from Home Stories A to Z Link Party.

  13. Can't wait to try this! Thanks for the tip.

  14. Love strawberries and it's almost time for them to be in season. I didn't know about the vinegar...the only thing I did to try and keep them fresh was to not wash them till you are ready to sue them. Thanks for sharing this. :-)

  15. I totally need this tip! Thanks so much for sharing. I love your darling picture with the strawberries and milk bottles. Have a great day!

  16. Stopping by from the Time To Sparkle Link Party! Great tip. I read about this last summer and did it with all my summer fruits. Be careful about doing it with strawberries that are very, very ripe though. Last summer the last batch of strawberries I picked up from the farmers market were extremely ripe. I did the vinegar mix and because the strawberries were so ripe the vinegar disintegrated the strawberries and turned them to mush.

    Another tip if your strawberries are just about on their last legs, slice them up and add a bit of lemon and sugar. Toss them around and within an hour or so you'll have strawberries in a lovely strawberry syrup. I find this gets a couple of extra days out of my strawberries and it's so good on icecream, yogurt, angel food cake or just eaten out of a bowl with a spoon. :)

  17. Awesome!! I've seriously been looking like crazy for a way to keep our strawberries fresh. I'll have to try this sometime. One thing I did try out, that seems to work pretty well, is sticking the strawberries (whole) in a glass jar with a tight lid. It seemed to keep them fresh longer, but I ate them before I could see how long they would last in there, haha.

  18. I am so glad I found your site and this tip! I never new it! I am of to pin this. In the summer, we pick a lot of strawberries, so this will come in handy!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Cynthia at

  19. This would mean having to clean my sink with higher standards :) Thanks for the tip!

  20. We love strawberries and I can't wait to try this tip. Thanks for sharing it.

  21. I have used this trick, but never with vinegar. I will hae to try that.
    If you have wilted veggies, it is also a good idea to soak them in ice water. Works pretty good...

    Have a great day!
    Happy Easter to you and yours... :)

    hugs x
    Crystelle Boutique

  22. Thanks for the tip, good to know!

  23. I just love this tip - definitely pinning and using this.

    Found you via Ducks 'n a Row Wonderful Wednesdays.

    Have a lovely day.

    Kate x
    Kate at Home

  24. Wow! I've gotta try this.
    Iā€™m visiting from Wow us Wednesday. I hope you can stop by my blog and leave a comment, too!
    ~ Megin of VMG206

  25. Great tip. I actually, wash mine in hydrogen peroxide and water to kill parasites, because I live in Honduras. But when I'm at home, I will be using this vinegar method.Thank you for sharing.

    We may have met by chance...but we become friends by choice.

    1. Sue Boyer, how much hydrogen peroxide and how much water, and how long do you soak them? Do you just rinse them after soaking them and eat them?

  26. I will have to try this. I saw a chef take raspberries - place them on a paper towel on a pie plate covered loosely with a plastic bag - (the kind you get when you buy veg/fruit at the market). it seems to give you a little time, but I will check out your tip.

  27. Just bought strawberries yesterday now I know what to do with them when I get home. Usually I just throw them in the freezer when they are about to go bad so I can use them in smoothies.

    1. Good idea! I'll have to try that next time I have really ripe strawberries.

  28. Great tip! I'll have to try it out with my next bunch of strawberries :)
    - Lora

  29. Brief and concise write up... thanks for this tip! Just pinned and tweeted this. Got you from A Creative Princess link party. Happy Easter!

  30. So needed this, I can't tell you how many times my strawberries have gone to waste. ~d

  31. That's great to know! Our strawberries always go bad before we can eat them all. Also, much better to know that they are a lot cleaner this way.

  32. Awesome tip! My strawberries never last long; I hate it! I'm definitely trying this!

  33. Really? What an awesome tip! I'm going to try this one!

  34. Thanks for linking up this great tip at Much Ado About Monday. I can't wait to try this with my fruit! I hate throwing it all away, feels like I should just be throwing cash in the trash.


  35. Great ideas! Thanks for sharing at Domestic Superhero Sharing Thursdays!

  36. Awesome! I'm going to have to try this with my raspberries. Thanks.

  37. I've been looking for a fruit soak recipe. Thanks!

  38. great tip,I just bought strawberries,and made mini Strawberry Cream pie's over @ LoblollyLane.Now so glad to see this, going to do right now,I got strawberry's @ local market 2 for 5....I used one,so need to keep other for few day's.Thanks.Saw you @ What to do weekends-Craft a la mode.

  39. Thanks for sharing. We love strawberries and I always wondered if there was a way to keep them longer!

  40. I also have a Pinterest Addiction and I'm proud of it! I love strawberries. I love this idea. Thanks so much for sharing because I didn't pin this the first time around and I was kicking myself :) Krista @

  41. What a handy tip, thanks for sharing it!

    I'm visiting today from the Freedom Friday blog hop.

  42. Hi, Hopping in from Share it Saturday and I'm loving this tip! Can't wait until the berries are in, in our region May, to give it a try. I PINNED!
    Renee @ Great Peace Academy

  43. This is a great tip. Our strawberries always rot too quickly. Will try this. Visiting from a Pinteresting party and just pinned.

  44. Vinegar to the rescue! That stuff is stupendous!

  45. Strawberries are a staple at our house, but I didn't know this trick. I will definitely put it to use. Thanks.

  46. This is great! I'd seen this pin, but I guess I always thought it was for cleaning the fruit and not for keeping it fresh. Since I LOVE strawberries, I'll definitely be doing this now. Thanks for sharing!

  47. Thanks for this great tip. I try to clean my fruit right when I get it and put it in a container in the fridge. That way I eat it or if it's get's a little to soft I stick it in a baggie and freeze it for smoothies. I am pinning this. Thanks for sharing it with SYC.

  48. Great tip and I love strawberries :)
    I would love if you link this to my party:

  49. I have never heard of that. Thank you, now my Strawberries won't be growing in two days. Thanks for linking up with my Eat. Pray. Love Party, don't forget to link up again this Tuesday!

  50. I love it! I love Strawberries, Thank you so much for sharing this tip.

  51. Great tip! I will have to give it a try :)

  52. I'll have to try this........Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week; I hope youā€™ll join us again!

    Kathy Shea Mormino

    The Chicken Chick

  53. Wow! What a great tip! If you would link this up to our Frugal, Crafty, Home Blog hop I sure would appreciate it! I think our readers would enjoy it!
    xoxo, Jordan

  54. i think i have seen this before and really need to try this because I love strawberries too and hate how quickly the go bad!

  55. Do you rinse the strawberries when you pull them out of the vinegar/water, or just let them drain?


  56. Thanks so much for this great tip! We're so glad you join us at Transformed Tuesday every week. Have a great rest of the week.

    Peggy~PJH Designs

  57. Can't wait to try this during the spring with my strawberries! Thanks so much for linking up to Frugal Crafty Home Blog Hop!

  58. Great tip! We like to soak our fruits and veggies too. Aren't strawberries such a beautiful fruit? Love them! Thanks so much for linking up to Inspire Me Wednesday! Featuring you in this week's issue.:)

  59. Hi from Routine Habit blog. Great tip I will try because I too am a victim of mouldy strawberries. "so sad when you have to throw them away!"

  60. Can't wait to try this!! Featured you on blog!

  61. Thanks for posting! I abhor mushy strawberries and usually waste them. Should make syrup or something...but they rot and I throw them away. Can't wait to try especially since they seem so expensive!

    BTW...Eddie Izzard cracks me up...explaining him to my friends is the comedian who is a transvestite...oh never mind. ;) Good times.

  62. Thank you for posting this I had never heard of it before. I abhore mushy strawberries so I am excited to try it! ;)

    btw...I love Eddie Izzard explaining him to my friends is know the comedian who is a transvestite...the british guy...cake or death?! oh never mind.

    1. Ha-ha-ha! I wasn't sure if anyone would know who I was talking about! I think he's hilarious and he's certainly one of my favorite comedians! Thanks for stopping by!

  63. They do go off so quickly. best idea is to grow them and eat them fresh from the garden!

    1. I agree! That's the best way to eat strawberries. Sadly, they just don't grow well where I live.

  64. Great idea. We're having a party tomorrow at Tumbleweed Contessa with Hammock Tracks and Call Me PMC featuring Strawberries. This would be great. Hope you can bring this over.

    Have a great weekend,

  65. Strawberries are one of my kid's favorite foods. We are featuring your post tomorrow on Share It Saturday. Thanks for sharing with us!
    Colleen at

    1. Thanks so much for the feature Colleen! I appreciate it!

  66. I love the ceramic/porcelain fruit basket. I recently purchased some and they are so fun and pretty!

    Vinegar does so many things. This is the first time I've heard this trick. My kiddos usually eat strawberries up pretty quickly. Most of ours come from the grocery, since we live in KS and don't have any fruit farms close by.

  67. Great tip! Love strawberries so anything to extend their before table life is good. Thanks for sharing on Busy Monday!

  68. Hi there! Congratulations! You were featured at SHOW-licious Craft Showcase!


  69. Replies
    1. Thanks so much for the feature Kristin! I appreciate it!

  70. Thanks so much for the feature Cami! I appreciate it!

  71. I use this tip all the time--it works so well!

  72. This is a great tip. I hate mushy berries and sometimes it happens so quickly. Thanks.

  73. Great tip!!!! Thanks for sharing!

  74. Thanks for the tip. Love your colander!

  75. Do you rinse the fruit after soaking or just strain and let dry?

  76. Awesome tip- will have to try this next week!
    ~ Also- I LOVE Eddie. (did I leave the gas on? of course I didn't! Because I'm a f'ng squirrel!)


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