DIY Labeled Laundry Bags

DIY Labeled Laundry Bags

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Today, I'm putting the finishing touches on my laundry room makeover.  Yesterday I showed you how I updated the door knobs and other hardware on the doors of the laundry room.  Today I'm showing you how I added some extra storage space with laundry bags.

I have a small laundry area with no storage.  As a result laundry day usually looks like this.

I hate it.  It's messy and we're constantly stepping over clothes.  This pin on Pinterest was the solution I'd been looking for for my small laundry area.

Hanging laundry bags!  I even found the exact same bags on Amazon!  I also saw this idea on Pinterest for labeling the bags and thought it would be a good idea to label my new plain white laundry bags.
from Better Homes & Gardens

I bought this Avery iron on transfer paper.  I didn't realize I had bought transfer paper for dark fabrics until I got home and didn't want to go back to the store to exchange it for the transfer paper for light fabrics.  This transfer paper had a solid white background.  It worked out alright, because it blended in to the white fabric.

I designed my labels in Mircrosoft Word.  I played around with different font styles and sizes.  It's also a good idea to print out your labels or designs on a regular sheet of paper and lay it out before you commit to printing it on your transfer paper.  That way you can be sure about your design and not waste any of the transfer paper.  I ended up choosing this really plain font because I thought it looked kind of industrial.

I printed it out and ironed it onto the laundry bags using the package directions.

DIY Labeled Laundry Bags

See more of this laundry room makeover here!

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  1. Great idea! Thanks for sharing!

    I always spend too much time sorting clothes again and again and again as they are all in single basket.
    I am a convert!

    Rue du chat qui peche

  2. so adorable. i love the idea of hanging them perfectly for my small space:) can't wait to try this!

  3. Nice! One of these days, I'm going to have a large laundry room or an organized one! lol. I like your bags. Very neat!


  4. Funny you should post this - I am currently working on a laundry organization and Spring cleaning series on my BLOG this month.
    Stopping by from the BLOG Hop.

    These are such great ideas.


  5. Love them! They look so crisp and clean, perfect for a lundry room! I'm off to go see your laundry room makeover!!!
    Selene @

  6. The laundry room is looking good! Love your "fussy" label! Thanks for linking this up to my Show Off Your Shell Party!

  7. Great idea...........Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week; I hope youā€™ll join us again!

    Kathy Shea Mormino

    The Chicken Chick

  8. Love this idea! So glad you shared it this week at Transformed Tuesday.

    Peggy~PJH Designs

  9. I love this idea. I pinned it for future inspiration!

  10. This looks great!! Labeling the laundry bags is a great idea - after 2 years my husband is still asking what goes where. Thanks for linking up at Romance on a dime!!

  11. Thank you! I've been trying to figure out how to put a long thin hamper in my upstairs hallway for quite a while now. (My laundryroom is a closet!) And this fits the bill.

  12. This is great! I love this idea - I'll have to remember it for when we have a proper laundry room and not just a closet with a stackable washer/dryer in the hall of our tiny apartment. :)

  13. Do the bags stand up to the heavy weight when they are full with clothes?

    1. Yes. I was careful to hang the hooks in the studs in the wall. I'm also careful not to over fill the bags with too much laundry.

  14. Love this idea! My laundry room would work perfectly with these. Thanks!

  15. Hola. What are the names of the bags so I can buy them?

  16. My "laundry room" is just a space in our big cement basement... I now have a 8 ft. long table beside the machines which hold my baskets for sorting. There is laundry everywhere! I'm going to figure out a way to make this project work for my space. What a great idea! I'm thinking by looking at the bags however that they may not hold a set of dirty sheets, towels etc. ??? Maybe I need two of each?


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