Bandana Quilt

Bandana Quilt
I can handle a glue gun like a pro, but I'm certainly not an expert when it comes to sewing.  I'm terrible at cutting and piecing little bits of fabric together.  I've tried making quilts in the past, and they were failures.  I got frustrated and never finished them.  This quilting  project was a lot easier, because I was working with much larger pieces and I didn't have to cut them.  

This idea was pinned from I Have to Say and it was a mommy and me sewing lesson.  I figured if a child could do this project, maybe I had a chance.

I let my son pick out the colors so we got six black and six yellow bandanas.  Twelve bandanas was enough to make a quilt for a twin sized bed. I also bought some black cotton fabric for the quilt boarder, some quilt batting, and a few yards of soft flannel for the backing.

Sewing the bandanas was pretty straight forward, just a straight stitch on the sewing machine.  The only cutting and piecing I had to do was the strips of fabric for the quilt boarder.  Then I sandwiched the quilt top, batting, and backing on top of each other and stitched it together.  

When it was finished, I used embroidery floss to tie it down.  It's nothing fancy, but I can now say I've made a quilt!
Bandana Quilt


  1. This is so cute! Looks comfy too! Thanks so much for sharing at our Countdown to Christmas link party! Merry Christmas! :)

  2. Love this!! Pinned:)

  3. What a great idea. I love the use of the bandanas. I hope you stay with quilting as it is a wonderful way to spend some creative time, and you have shown that you are creative (along with your young son)! Come see me on Off the Wall Fridays too!

  4. How funny! I just posted this week a different type of bandana quilt myself! and quilting is far more forgiving than sewing! My post showing someone elses quilt using a bandana print is on my Wed. Dec. 19,2012 post. It was a bandana printed fabric...and it created the maker a challenge I am certain she never anticipated!

  5. What a great project! Thank you for sharing at All my Bloggy Friends. Wishing you a Happy New Year!

  6. I noticed that there are a few sizes of bandanas. What dimension were yours? Very nicely done BTW!

    1. The bandanas were large - about 20 inches by 20 inches. You can used any size as long as they're square.


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