Spring Garden Tour

Spring Garden Tour
spring garden tour

I absolutely love flowers and I've planted as many as I can in my yard.  I'd still like to have more, but I live in a very hot and dry climate so it's always a challenge to get things to grow.  We've been getting an unusual amount of rain this spring and my yard is loving it!  My flowers have never looked better and the yard is exploding with color!  I've been enjoying all these pretty blossoms right along with the birds, bees, and hummingbirds.  I'd love to take you on a tour and show you my beautiful flowers. Would you like to take a look?

In the front yard, these pretty desert primroses are blooming.  
They look their best first thing in the morning and are such a delicate shade of pink.

desert primrose

I have bright pink "knock out" roses in the front yard too.  
I was lucky to get this picture before the heavy rain and hail knocked most of the petals off. 

knock out rose

I also have lavender growing in the front yard.  
I love the color and it smells so good!  The bees like it too!


Right next to the lavender is pink salvia which also smells lovely.  
The hummingbirds really like this one.

pink sage salvia

On the side of the house, a dove has made her nest in a tree. 

dove nest

She has two little pink eggs that she's taking care of.
Hopefully they'll hatch soon.

dove eggs

This is also where my herb garden is.  
All the herbs have grown so much, they're barely contained in their small plot. 


I made these plant markers a few years ago for the herb garden.  
They're really easy to make!  (directions here)

The bees love the sage in the herb garden too.

bee in sage flower

I also have another small rose bush here with red roses.

red rose

In the backyard red valerian is blooming.

red valerian jupiter's beard

I have it in white too.

white valerian jupiters beard

This purple catmint is another one the bees like.


These yellow flowers smell like chocolate and are at their prettiest and most fragrant in the morning.

chocolate flower

There's another rose bush in the backyard.  This one has gigantic pink blooms!

pink rose

I love my little pot of violas.  They're so dainty and I love the vibrant colors!


I've seen a few hummingbirds already, so I need to hurry up and put my hummingbird feeder out.  I haven't seen my free range backyard turtles yet.  Hopefully they'll be done hibernating and roaming about soon.

Thanks for coming along on a tour of my spring garden.  Hopefully spring has sprung were you live and you're enjoying some beautiful spring colors as well!


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