Friday Link Party #18

Pin Junkie Pin Party

Wednesday was my last day of school.  Not just for the school year, but for a while.  I wrote a long post explaining my frustrations with just about every aspect of teaching and the current state of our educational system.  After reading it, I decided that it just sounded like a long rant.  I figured that if you're a teacher, you may already know how I'm feeling and what my frustrations are because you may be feeling the same way.  I like to keep things positive here, so I'll just skip the rant, and tell you it had nothing to do with blogging.  I'm not making any money doing this (but I'm sure having a lot of fun!)  Although it was a very hard decision, I truly believe that not returning to teaching next year is the right decision for my family, my health and my sanity.  I may decide to go back to teaching again one day.  I may not.  In the meantime I'm going to be cooking, crafting, and blogging to my heart's content!  Here's what I did this week:

I made plant markers for my herb garden.
plant markers
avocado salad

Now it's your turn to share what you've been working on.  Scroll to the bottom of the page to link up your projects, crafts, and recipes!  But first, take a look at some features from last week's party.

no sew curtains
Denyse at Glitter Glue & Paint made
some really pretty no sew curtains.

wooden star
Phyllis at Grandparents Plus made a wooden star for only $1.00.

paper tag garland
Helle at a Spoonful of Crafts made a sweet paper tag garland.

Now it's your turn to share what you've been working on.
Scroll to the bottom of the page to link up your projects, crafts, and recipes! 

1.  Link up something YOU made - it can be a craft, recipe, or project as long as YOU did it. (No giveaways, contests, or link parties please).
2.  Follow The Pin Junkie on Pinterest, GFC, or Facebook.
3.  Link directly to a specific post - not your main blog (Keep it family friendly, please)
4.  Show some love by checking out some of the other links and HAVE FUN!


  1. Thanks for hosting. I linked up something I learned from Pinterest.

  2. Thanks for hosting!

    I would love for you to share and link up at my TGIF Link Party. The party is open every Thursday night and closes Wednesday's at midnight.
    Have a wonderful week!
    Hugs, Cathy

  3. As always, thanks so much for hosting!!


  4. Good for you! I am sure it was a difficult decision, but I look forward to see what you'll post about!
    Beth @ The First Year Blog

  5. Wow, that must have been a tough decision. SO excited for you though!!! Thanks for hosting another awesome party. I hope you have a great holiday weekend!

    Jen @ Yummy Healthy Easy

  6. Hi - and thanks for hosting and featuring my garland. My name is not Lisa, though, but Helle - ha, ha - not to worry .0)

    Have a lovely weekend!


    1. Sorry about that Helle - I fixed it! Thanks so much for joining the party!

  7. New follower. Thanks for hosting!

  8. Thanks for the party! And I feel ya on the teaching ~ teachers are no longer able to really teach. For several years we worked on turning our elementary into a Public Charter School and the difference is truly amazing. I wish you all the best! Thanks so much for hosting! Marcy @ day2day SuperMom

  9. Thanks for hosting! Happy Friday...

  10. Thank you for hosting another party!
    Have a nice week.
    Marisa from

  11. Woohoo! So excited that you featured my $1 Wooden Star!!!! It will also be featured on my front porch for the holiday weekend. Thanks for the party! Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

    1. You're welcome Phyl! Thanks for joining the party!

  12. Thanks for hosting today. Good luck with your big change ~ follow your heart and you'll always be happy :)
    ~ Megin of VMG206

    1. Thanks Virginia. I'm trying to stay positive and open to whatever is next for for me.

  13. Thank you for the great party! I'm a new follower. Hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!


  14. Welcome to the very large club of us who did our best as long as we could. And thanks for hosting every week! Former teachers unite (or something)!

  15. Thank you so much for the party! Have a wonderful, long weekend.

  16. thanks so much for hosting the party! have a great day!

  17. Thank you so much for featuring my curtains and for hosting a great party every week. I know a lot of teachers and your frustration is shared.



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